
The UNI neuroscience institute of the ULB provides an excellent and collegial environment for students and postdocs. Our know-hows and technical interests include C. elegans zebrafish & mouse genetics of development and behaviour, ageing, optogenetics, neuronal cell biology, Next Generation Sequencing, functional imaging and processing, ScRNA seq analysis.

We are recruiting students & postdocs with backgrounds and/or interests in ageing, neurobiology, cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, imaging & the appropriate analysis.

Postdoctoral positions

We are looking for one postdoc. Applicants should have a good track record and be willing to take on the challenges we would identify together. We have a 3 year fellowship to offer you; We will also help you to obtain external postdoctoral fellowship. If you are interested in our questions or have an interesting question to address with us please e-mail us at : patrick.laurent at ulb.be , please provide a CV and reference letter.

PhD Studentships

We are looking for PhD. Informal initial inquiries can be made to patrick.laurent at ulb.be. The average PhD in Belgium is 4 years at a competitive salary to live a good life in Brussels. PhD fellowship are accessible: Foreign students can apply to the UNI Web site , it fund a few international PhD candidates on its own. Belgian and EU members are also eligible to FNRS fellowships (4 years).

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students interested to work in our lab should e-mail or call me to discuss the projects and possibilities.