Welcome to our lab!

Neuron are champions of cell-cell communication. Yet, the cell biology of neurons is not well understood. Our understanding of complex brains made of billions of neurons requires solid cellular foundations. Our group aim to provide these solid cellular foundations in a simple circuit made of 302 neurons and ~7000 synapses in C. elegans.

Our projects are deep dive into the cell biology of the neurons, trying to answer many questions such as:  How proteins are moved to the appropriate location: sensory proteins to cilia, synaptic proteins to synapses?  How transcriptional changes modify behaviour? How postranslational changes in proteins alter neuron-to-neuron communication? Using concepts and techniques employed in cell biology, we tease the (sub)cellular mechanisms that power neuron-to-neuron communication in our brain.

Our lab is part of the of the Neurophysiology Lab , the ULB Neuroscience Institute (UNI) of the University of Brussels (ULB)